Thursday, May 11, 2023

MAY-hem Scramble

MAY-hem Scramble


Event Date: May 20th, 2023

Shotgun Start: 10am


Location: Irish Hills Golf Club

Teams: 18-36


Format: 4-person teams, Front-9 (Irish Scramble), Back-9 Traditional Scramble

Entry Fee for Team Game:  $20.00/player $80.00/team (cash only)


Green Fees:  $39.00 per player credit card or $36.00 per player cash


1st, 2nd, 3rd (Payout TBD based on the number of teams playing)

Payout:  1st place 70% of the pot, 2nd place 20% of the pot, 3rd place 10%.


Sign up Today!



Contact Mick with any questions: (636) 399-4469 or

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